VICENZA, September 18 2020 (21: 00-23: 00)
VICENZA, 19-20 September 2021 (10: 00-18: 00)
Biodanza does a silent job that presses on all the keys necessary to guide our intelligence towards happiness . Caress our emotions, our instincts and our cells to transform us permanently.
What must be done to grow in emotional and affective intelligence?
In the seminar we will present the three fundamental passages that illustrate most of the authors and how Biodanza works in each of them:
• Perceiving and accepting emotions
• Understand them
• Adjust them
Emotions, feelings and moods are our allies. They contain a tremendously precious message, they tell us what needs we have, what we need to do to have an even happier and more loving life.
Rolando Toro , creator of Biodanza, defined affective intelligence like intelligence placed at the service of love, happiness and the joy of living
Until 1969, intelligence and emotions belonged to separate fields of study.
From 1970 to 1989, fields begin to interact and Howard Gardner outlines the theory of multiple intelligences.
From 1990 to 1993, John Mayer and Peter Salovey who created the concept of Emotional Intelligence.
From 1994 to 1997, Daniel Goleman popularized the role of emotional intelligence, spreading it around the world.
Since 1999, Rolando Toro has given a twist to the concept with the term "Affective Intelligence" which provides directionality to the capabilities of emotional intelligence.
This great teacher has given a new meaning to the couple intelligence and emotions.